Life is known for throwing curve-balls, even in our best laid plans.
I finally graduated this May and thought of nothing more than all of those books I'd be able to annihilate throughout all of those "wide open" days to come.
Day One: I made a pot of my favorite tea. I picked up the next book on my list. I read the first sentence.
"Ahhhh...." I thought.
Then I read the first sentence again...
The buzzer went off on the dryer.
I read the first sentence again...
Needless to say, I have not yet gotten to the second sentence in that book and two months have passed!
Don't be fooled - that's not to say I haven't been reading! I've devoured two novels with the girls - each night hopping on the bed and giggling with anticipation about what that next chapter might hold. (Friends, if you ever have a moment, read "Mara, Daughter of the Nile." It is part of Emily's reading curriculum...mystery, romance, murder, a genuine heroine...all of it was in there done in such a tasteful way. Kind of like a good movie on the BBC, you know? No smut - just page turning good!)
And now I'm neck-deep in nutritional books. For those of you that don't know my little family that well, you would'nt know how intestine-ally challenged we all are - and frankly, the Momma's sick of it!! I was gaining weight and felt horrible, Brad was fatigued constantly, Emily and Tink were being prescribed medication to get them "regular"....ugh. Soooo....I went to work - aaannd, EUREKA!
We've been talking for years really about changing what we ate, how we ate it and where the food we ate came from. But, I couldn't get all of the pieces to fit.
That changed with one moment of indecision on movie night. Brad was out on a train and the kiddos were sleeping so I chose a movie with a cool cover. Seriously - that's how I picked it. "Forks Over Knives." ...and our lives will never be the same.
So, I've been reading quite a few medical publications, recipe books, and now two books written by some incredibly intelligent doctors...I say that because they've cured my family of EVERY problem that each of us had. Thank. you. God.
To me, that's what reading should be all about - Life Changing and Miraculous.
So, no, my book list is not being checked off just yet. I feel "the call" every once in a while...but I just got a new nutrition book in the mail today may still be a few more days yet!
Hope all of you are traveling to incredible places between the pages this summer! Would LOVE to hear what ya'll are reading! ;)
Onward and Forward!