“I haven’t been in the trenches of war with these women, but I’ve been in the trenches of daily life with them, and if you ask me, that forges the stronger friendship.”p.364
A couple of friends recommended this book to me and looking back on the recommendation, I am not at all surprised. “Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons” is a herald to friendship and to the spirit of all women; my two friends are perfect examples. Both of them are strong, intelligent, deeply thoughtful, and caring women, reminiscent of each and all of the characters in this book.
And we all love to read!
I don’t know many women who do not cherish the life-long friendships they’ve formed if they’ve been blessed with them. I’m sure those that have not been so lucky pine for the security and validation of a pack of “gal-pals.” I am included in this category – after many moves and life changes, I’ve sort of given up on the dream of being part of that group of women who "will always be there."
"A few years back, when I finally got smart enough to go to a therapist, she asked me how I had held things together all these years.
It didn’t take long to come up with an answer. ‘That’s easy. I belong to a book club.’” p.8
Amazingly, reading this story about women who, for decades, lived and breathed and cried and screamed and laughed and lost and loved and hated and forgave together didn’t leave me feeling jaded or "jipped". Instead, I felt proud to be a woman…and thankful for the friendships I do have. I related to so many of the women and their stories within the pages...
...and now I’m desperate to start a book club! (An entire conglomeration of "Tome Travelers!" Imagine!?!)
My only complaint about the book; it ended too quickly and there’s no list at the end of all of the books the group of friends read together over their thirty-plus years of gatherings!
(You know me and book lists!) ;)
This book about life, about friendship, about being women in this crazy world – it’s a must read, girls!
Thank you so much Heather R. and Kim W. for the recommendation. It was a life-changer!
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