
Thursday, February 6, 2014


I sometimes forget, when I agree to do these reviews, that devotionals require much more time to read  in order to form a proper opinion to report about.  Such is the case with this book.  I have decided to go ahead and do my review on the portion I've read so far, and fill in missing pieces with general information.

This book is a seventeen week devotional study meant to help those of us desperate for a relationship with the Lord, but still apprehensive as "fearful" worshippers.  The content challenges the ideas that many carry with us - that God is "too omnipotent" or far away from our personal lives to truly care about our day-to-day doings and this directly affects our ability to pray with Him effectively.

Each week is divided into daily studies that lend to chances for reflection, memorization, and meditations, focusing on seventeen different attributes of the Lord that we may not think of often.

The part of this book that was most endearing to me were the words that Ms. Spangler uses...she isn't wrapped up in being modern, current, "new-fangled"...mainstream I think some might say.  She brings up complex, almost romantic terms for the attributes she lists, like "immutable, omnipresent, eternal, transcendent" to describe God, reminding us who exactly "I Am" is - and how we can draw closer.

I'd like to thank Tyndale Publishers for the free copy of this book in exchange for my personal review.

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